Verify Eligibility

To verify you are member of the settlement class,
please enter your PSA ID in the box below.

Locating Your PSA ID

You recently received a Notice of Class Action Settlement for this case. Your PSA ID is located in the bottom right-hand corner of this Notice, beneath your name. Locate that document and enter your PSA ID in the field to the right.

If you have lost or misplaced your Notice, please call (800) 523-5773 or email to obtain your PSA ID.

If you disagree with the number of workweeks listed in your Notice, you can dispute the information by sending a statement to the Settlement Administrator by mail to PO Box 7208, Orange, CA 92863, or by email at Your statement must include the number of workweeks that you believe is correct, and you must provide any supporting documentation you have, such as, by way of example, pay statements.

Participation Verification

Are you choosing to:

Phoenix Class Action Administration Solutions | P.O. Box 7208, Orange, CA, 92863

Phoenix Class Action is a neutral third party, engaged to provide information to class members.

v 2020062601